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The Boyz

Silver Mitt Male
Age: 8 Months
Occupation: Sleeping
Talent:Finding goodies he's not supposed to get his paws on.

Guilty of:
Always having bed-head
Stealing treats
Knocking Everything over
Teaching new ferts bad tricks!


Panda Male
Age: 8 Months
Occupation: Eating
Talent: Being creative

 Guilty of:
Making food hoards
Stealing bags and filling them with goodies (then taking it to his "hidey-hole")
Knocking over food dish when it's empty (after having polished off all the good bits)
Never Coming out of "hidey-hole" no matter how much coaxing.

Jelly Belly

Silver Mitt / Grey Male
Age: 4 Months
Occupation: Diver
Guilty of:
Pulling the plug ... Literally (bath plug)
Climbing the cage instead of using the ramps
Always beating you up a flight of stairs
Making strange noises


Sable/ Grey /Silver Glove Male
Age: 4 Months
Occupation: Inspection / Sprinter
Talent: Finding ways to wear everyone out

Guilty of:
Biting when excited
Climbing up pant legs and biting ankles
Stealing socks
Sticking tongue out


They are all single and looking for the right Female Fert!